What is Threads? The new Twitter competitor

Meta, Facebook-Parent is launching a new app named “Threads”. The app attracted 30 million sign-ups so far including brands, journalists, celebrities and more.

Threads is currently in the top free app on the Apple store which makes it a direct competitor to Twitter. Over the last few days, there has been an ongoing chaos on Twitter due to the limits that has been put on accounts. This has been a golden opportunity for Threads as they accumulated a massive amount of new users.

Elon Musk has been very vocal about Threads and the threat it posed for Twitter by copying their style. The new app resembled twitter, it has a feed mostly of text based posts where people can have conversations. The app includes similar navigation system to Instagram but you are able to reply to post or quote people just like Twitter.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said “The vision for Threads is to create an option and friendly public space for conversation”, he also added : “We hope to take what Instagram does best and create a new experience around text, ideas, and discussing what’s on your mind.”


There has been a lot of concerns about Threads, considering Meta is already controlling most part of the social networking space. With this new app, it is giving Mark Zuckerberg even more power and narrowing the competition. The app has no ads for the moment although we are unsure if it will stay that way.


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